
Chiropractor and Diamond Executive with It Works! Global

Archive for the tag “opportunity”

It’s Smart, not Scary (also free stuff)

The best way to get your It Works! Global products is to become a loyal customer.  The only better way, is to become a distributor, then you can get your products AND make money, however, today is all about the loyals.

Our loyal customer program is pretty simple and it gets you your favorite products at wholesale prices.  It works a little like Costco.  Remember Costco? You pay a membership fee UPFRONT and then enjoy wholesale pricing.  Well, It Works, works the same way, except they will WAIVE the fee if you simply purchase one item a month for 3 months in a row.   That’s it.  Then you enjoy wholesale prices for the rest of your life.  If you don’t make 3 consecutive monthly orders, you get charged a $50 fee.  (just so you know I told you beforehand)

You can also purchase a DIFFERENT PRODUCT EVERY MONTH!

And earn free stuff….

AND earn more FREE STUFF from me today.

Enroll as a loyal customer today, or tomorrow.  February 27th and 28th and I will send you a free skinny wrap.

Shop at and then message me at with your loyal customer id and I will send it out to you.

But wait!  There’s more….

Enroll as a loyal customer TODAY (February 27, 2013) and you will earn an additional facial wrap…


Order over $100 in product and earn an additional facial wrap….

Limited time offer, and while supplies last (of course).

Don’t wait another minute to change your life.


The Only Coupon Organizer You’ll Ever Need

Ok, well not really, but it 100% works for me.  And, well… isn’t that what matters?

I am a couponer.  And, yes, “that” kind of couponer.  I save thousands of dollars a year and I have quite the stash of grocery staples.  So it only stands to reason, that after a few years, I would have found my own coupon filing/storage system. 

I do not shop from a list.  I only shop deals.  If you are someone who has a set shopping list and is looking for discounts on things you have to buy each week, this system is not for you.  You need a binder system, and most couponing websites will help you set that up.  I did that for a little while, but then when I refined my shopping and had a good stockpile with a ton of variety, I gave up the binder system. 

I switched to the “hanging-on-to-the-inserts-looking-by-date-clipping-only-the-ones-you-need” system.  Plus I hated being so conspicuous in the store with a binder.  However, none of my little portable hanging file systems were big enough.  Then I had an epiphany.  I had an accordion file that was a monthly one.  So it had 31 slots.  That’s 31 slots for each bundle of inserts.  I could organize by type AND by week.  I still wanted to be able to see them at a glance though… so I added the manila envelopes.  I write the type of insert (RedPlum, Smart Source, Proctor and Gamble etc) and the date on the flap IN PENCIL.  The little flap makes it each to see the dates in a glance, and when I need an insert from a particular week, I just grab the whole envelope and pull and cut the coupon.  Sometimes if there’s a “possibly on clearance/your mileage may vary deal” I will just take the whole envelope with me in the car. No loose stacks of inserts in the car and if there happens to be that deal at my store, I just clip the coupons then and there in the aisle.

1. Pull coupons from paper


2. Sort coupons by type


 3. Group into manila envelopes and label with type and date


4. File in chronological order in expanding accordion file


That’s it, the self-proclaimed, best ever coupon organizing system.  At least in the world according to me.

2013 Goal Challenge

As a team we’ve been challenged to publicly post our goals for 2013.  I finally got around to making them pretty.  So here they are, the Susan J. Lowery goals for 2013.  


What do you think?

P.S. – the first person to comment on this blog with the correct location of this picture will win a free “skinny wrap”.


I’ll show you mine…

In less than 2 weeks I’ll be heading off to sunny Florida to join my fellow It Works distributors at their Mission Possible Conference.  I cannot wait.  A weekend of taking my business to a Whole Notha’ Level.  I’m looking forward to the camaraderie and the fun.  And maybe (just maybe) a trip to Disney with my husband.  I’m even fortunate enough that two of my rock star team members are travelling too.  I know this trip is just going to explode our businesses and I’m ready for that.  I’m really really really ready for the freedom It Works global is giving me.  Currently I’m running the whole practice by myself and I have a new appreciation for how hard my husband worked at our practice, and how grateful I am for the freedom that afforded me.  Now I’m ready to return the favor.  I have my sights set on retiring him.  I’m not going to stop until it happens.  That’s what this biz is doing for me. 

But, in the meantime… I need to dress appropriately for conference and that means sporting my green, black and bling. (Seriously it is so much fun shopping for bling when you’re a glitter addict).  So, naturally, I went shopping.  Look what I found!  I’m pretty sure these are a need, right?


I really think it’s an addiction…. and hey, if you’re at conference too, track me down…. I’m the one with an obnoxious glittered phone case too….

Between Creative and Crazy

Blueberries is the Elf on the Shelf at our house, and while we often catch him doing fun things, he isn’t a naughty elf and won’t be found doing labor intensive naughty activities.  He will NOT be mischievous and switch everyone’s clothes around in their closets.  Perhaps he realizes in order to pull that off, all the clothes would need to actually be in the kids’ closets and not in some sort of laundry limbo.  He is but a practical little elf.  This morning we found him having a bit of a campfire.  Actual toasted marshmallow and everything.  My poor 4-year-old exclaimed, “what’s he trying to do? He’s gonna burn the house down!”.



 Perhaps a safer adventure this evening….


My dear friend is so close to reaching his fundraising goal… as in $20 away.  Would you be so kind as to send $5 his way to kick cancer to the curb?

Donate NOW!



Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Ok, well my chickens didn’t cross the road, but they did hop/scale the fence and are on the road.  This is myself and my four year old perfecting our chicken wrangling.  Seriously, what else did I have to do today?


Props to my 12 year old for the editing.

Make the Leap!

For any of you who have asked me about joining It Works! and wondered if it is “for you,” please take the time to listen to my family, Triple Diamond Danielle Shogren Mahar and Diamond Drew Mahar tonight. Our up-line, Kellie’s first conversation with Danielle about joining It Works!, Danielle said she just didn’t know if it would work for her. She is a mother of 3 kiddos and a FULL time labor and delivery nurse. Drew had a full-time career with Verizon and recently RETIRED because of their success with IWG. Listen to how in just 8 months their lives have completely changed ONLY because they took a $99 chance!

This is a NO obligation call so just listen in and hear what we are all about! 8 pm Central Time (213) 493-0800 Code-470698# What’s stopping you from changing your life?!?!

Guilt Free Apple Pie?


My new webinar is available on YouTube.  Learn how important proteins are in the body and how It Works! can help you have a guilt free apple pie this season!


Mark Zuckerberg and the Skinny Wrap



Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook invited 5 people to his Harvard dorm room 9 years ago to discuss a business opportunity. Only 2 people showed up and they got in. Today those two people are billionaires: Dustin Moskovitz
$6.5 Billion and Eduardo Saverin $3.4 Billion.. What a lesson for the other 3 and all of us on how dangerous a closed mind can be.

Nothing is more expensive than a closed mind, and a missed opportunity.  Thinking about it for too long can cost you a whole lot of money and time. Taking action now can earn you a whole lot. It’s your choice, your life, it’s up to you to make a decision today! Don’t stand in your own way today…..

If you are curious about this business, I have a ton of ways we can connect.

  • Every Wednesday Night at 5 pm PST, I host a conference call.  This call is specifically about the It Works! Global business opportunity.

The number is (605) 475-4000

Access code is 394464#


  • Every Friday Morning at 10 am PST I host an opportunity webinar

Please register for Freedom, Friendships and Fun. The It Works! Global Opportunity on Nov 16, 2012 10:00 AM PST at:

This is a webinar for serious prospects only. Learn how It Works! Global can change your life. We will take a look at the business opportunity, the Steps to Success, and the income chart. The G.O.O.D (get out of debt bonus) will also be featured.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®
Webinars Made Easy®

Click on the link to register, but please note, this link will change weekly.

  • Lastly,  I do a live opportunity meeting the second Wednesday of every month.

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, please call 360.436.6243 for the location.

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