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Archive for the tag “stockpile”

The Only Coupon Organizer You’ll Ever Need

Ok, well not really, but it 100% works for me.  And, well… isn’t that what matters?

I am a couponer.  And, yes, “that” kind of couponer.  I save thousands of dollars a year and I have quite the stash of grocery staples.  So it only stands to reason, that after a few years, I would have found my own coupon filing/storage system. 

I do not shop from a list.  I only shop deals.  If you are someone who has a set shopping list and is looking for discounts on things you have to buy each week, this system is not for you.  You need a binder system, and most couponing websites will help you set that up.  I did that for a little while, but then when I refined my shopping and had a good stockpile with a ton of variety, I gave up the binder system. 

I switched to the “hanging-on-to-the-inserts-looking-by-date-clipping-only-the-ones-you-need” system.  Plus I hated being so conspicuous in the store with a binder.  However, none of my little portable hanging file systems were big enough.  Then I had an epiphany.  I had an accordion file that was a monthly one.  So it had 31 slots.  That’s 31 slots for each bundle of inserts.  I could organize by type AND by week.  I still wanted to be able to see them at a glance though… so I added the manila envelopes.  I write the type of insert (RedPlum, Smart Source, Proctor and Gamble etc) and the date on the flap IN PENCIL.  The little flap makes it each to see the dates in a glance, and when I need an insert from a particular week, I just grab the whole envelope and pull and cut the coupon.  Sometimes if there’s a “possibly on clearance/your mileage may vary deal” I will just take the whole envelope with me in the car. No loose stacks of inserts in the car and if there happens to be that deal at my store, I just clip the coupons then and there in the aisle.

1. Pull coupons from paper


2. Sort coupons by type


 3. Group into manila envelopes and label with type and date


4. File in chronological order in expanding accordion file


That’s it, the self-proclaimed, best ever coupon organizing system.  At least in the world according to me.

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