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Archive for the tag “Business Cards”

Marketing with Suckers, not for suckers.

I love little marketing tips, and I love, love, love things in miniature, so with Halloween upon us and all those “fun size” chocolate bars floating around, I thought I’d use it to my advantage.  Enter the treat-for-grown-ups-super-marketing-business-card idea.  I saw this on a few of my acquaintances Facebook pages and I thought I’d just follow their lead.  I do think these will work any time of the year.  I’m just going to stock up on Halloween candy tomorrow.


Here’s a few of the puns I used….

Would you like to earn MOUNDS of money?

How about a bigger PAYDAY?

In a financial CRUNCH?

Need money?  It Works! could be your LIFESAVER.

…and then for the party minded folks…

Don’t be a DUM DUM!  Earn your products for free.

Be a SMARTIE, book your wrap party!

Any other puns that I missed?

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